Clarion officially received Insurance Broking license on 8th June, 2020, but our wealth of Insurance Distribution expertise can be traced back to more than 22 years through our brand Veritas. Veritas was established in the year 1999 with a view to tap opportunities in the liberalized insurance industry, more particularly in the emerging field of General Insurance.
Reflecting on the rich history of Veritas, we began our journey as Insurance Broker, being stronger to provide exhaustive services and range of products from all Insurance companies.
We are committed to deliver insurance services to our customers through physical face to face services from our Point of Sales Channel partners and policy, claim delivery through our Tech platform. All these changes over the years came with great efforts, resulting in Clarion being recognized in the market as a professional company, which drives its business through knowledge, expertise, hard work and focus on customer service driven by a sustainable approach.
Through our Veritas POSP App, at a press of button we are ready to provide our POSPs with best quotes, comparative analysis and all required information which helps our POSPs’ clients to make informed decision in purchasing insurance policies. Our POSPs can view and review their commissions, business reports, renewals, insurance knowledge through our Veritas POSP application.
We are committed to provide best of user experience through our endeavor to continuously improvise on our tech services.